Saturday, April 6, 2013

Looking Out My Back Door - El Palmar - Panama

So this is the first post for "Looking Out My Back Door"  thank you John Fogerty.

I moved from Coronado to El Palmar at the beginning of March.  El Palmar is a quiet little surfing village a few Kilometers west of Coronado in the Arco Seca part of the Panama coast, west of the city (Panama).

Just to confuse you, Panama is the name of the country, Panama is the name of the major city and Panama is the name of the province where I live.  So it would be, El Palmar (in the San Carlos district), Panama, Pa.  We try and keep thing obscure here in Panama.  That way it is easier to bribe the Policia (a story for another day).  Always keep a $20 bill handy in your glove box.

So sitting on my back porch, other than seeing the ocean, surfers and fisherman, I saw there 2 guys:

I know there is not much content here but I want to post my first "out my back door" so here it is.
Stay tuned, there will be more.